Saturday, July 17, 2010

Things I Love...

I love...
...the way my Grandpa smells...Old Spice. I remember visiting the house in Boise and going into the bathroom just to smell it. Or hugging Grandpa a just a little longer, just so I could keep smelling him!
...the way my Grandpa feels. Soft. A lot of times he wears the flannel LLBean long sleeved shirts in place of jackets (thanks to Grandma) and he always feels so soft!
...the way my Grandpa sounds. Soothing. I love Grandpa's voice. From the way that he answers the phone (Hello, this is Gene--I know you can all hear it in your head, just the way he says it), to the way that he gets excited when he's telling a good story, or the way that you can imagine him talking to his Great-grandkids.
...the way my Grandpa has a hat for every occasion. Think about it, he has his fishing hat, which is sometimes interchangeable with the camping hat (these two are very similiar). I always loved to look at what fishing hook he has attached to it, or even if there is a feather, sometimes pheasant, stuck in it. And then there is the blue baseball hat. I love the picture of him and Uncle Bill sitting on the bench somewhere back East and they both have the same kind of hat on there too (I'm not sure what it's called). Think about it and you'll realize Grandpa has a hat for every occasion.
...the way my Grandpa has curly hair. Someday, I will be able to explain to my Emma that she got her curly hair from me, who got it from my Dad, who got it from his. Curly hair is not always a blessing--but I love knowing that I got it from my Grandpa.
...that my Grandpa loves ice cream. I also inherited this love from my Grandpa. Although I don't love Maple Nut (which is his favorite kind), I do know that I always have someone to share ice cream with--or a root beer float. And I will always remember that he likes to scoop his ice cream with a knife!
...that my Grandpa has created a love of the Salmon River and Redfish Lake with all his posterity. Think about it---we wouldn't love Redfish quite so much if it weren't for him! And I always know that if I want any news of the outside world while we are at Redfish, that Grandpa will have it. Even while camping, Grandpa gets his newspaper that he reads every single morning.

I think most of all, I love my Grandpa.

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