Friday, June 25, 2010

Grandpa with his sweetheart

I just love this picture of you and grandma at Redfish. You both have such a cute smile on your face. I remember the day this was taken you and grandma were on a walk holding hands and just enjoying each other. I thought it was really cool that you guys still hold hands and love each other so much after all this time. You have raised a wonderful family and you are both still so involved with what is going on with your kids, grandkids and great grandkids. You are both so special to me and have always treated me like one of your own grandkids not just the girl your grandson married. Your commitment to your family and each other is something to be admired. Through all the tears and laughter, hard times and good times you managed to hold on to each other and stay in love. Grandma once told me that you are like her security blanket. I thought that really was a true statement of how you both need each other still so much and how nice that must be to have your security blanket with you every night whether you are watching "Dancing with the Stars "or out for an evening walk.
You are great husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. I am so proud that my baby boy is named after his great grandpa Gene, a VERY special man to all of us.


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